Monday, October 3, 2011

Get Out

Whining, crying, arguing over tractors and multiple timeouts all by 7:30am. As soon as I started counting the hours and minutes until nap time I knew it was going to be a "get out" day. As much as I like the indoors and would have loved to curl up with a hot cocoa lounging in pj's well past mid-morning it wasn't going to work. Ever since Trexen was wee little and testing my patience I've said, "if I can just get out everything will be better"and 99% of the time it's true.

Thankfully the weather was cooperating and our energy levels high making the dash outdoors quick. We got dressed, sprayed some dry shampoo in my dirty locks and called friends- meet us at the Mackenzie Center ASAP.

Life is all about choices, I could have easily stayed in jammies, continued to referee spats but quite possibly not made it nap time with my sanity. Although it was work to get us ready, fed and in the car getting out of the house was worth it today.

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