Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Due Date

Finally today has arrived, we would figure out what is going on in this belly and when our baby will arrive. You would think it would have been easy this time around to determine due date since we were actually "trying", I was calculating and re-calculating fertile days multiple times each week and we did everything my $50 e-book told us for a girl. However when that positive pregnancy test appeared and I talked with the nurse her predictions, based on my period, just didn't mesh with how I was feeling. I mean how could I be throwing up just days after conception and then a positive test not even a week later and how in the world could my belly be pooching out already and really why would I need to unbutton my jeans at dinner last night if I was only 8 weeks.

So Jeff and I drove all the way to the west side for a surprisingly short appointment. With my first two babies the ultrasound technicians were very annoyed and frustrated both times because I was actually only 6-7 weeks when they had thought I'd be further. They struggled forever to get the right pictures and measurements and were rolling their eyes at my flat tummy. This morning however quite the opposite. Now if you can't picture this scene it is very awkward, at least for me, my husband sitting in an odd location seeing things he probably doesn't want to with the tech using embarrassing terms and sticking a large instrument up me. So as I lay there freezing cold and uncomfortable the first words out of my husbands mouth, "um wow that baby looks really big already", oh thank you hunny, kind of like the other night when he grabbed my butt and said "oooh", yes I know that is code for "your butt is expanding".

Anyways the very friendly tech agreed with him, transferred measurements to the computer to discover I am actually 12 weeks due May 12th. Apparently you can be pregnant and still get a period, who knew it wasn't just a story you see on TLC. I am extremely excited to have a May baby but am struggling big time. As you know I've been praying for years for a baby girl and when I went off the pill in May started a prayer journal. I also started "Big Prayers", focusing on 3-5 things each month that are huge, things I feel so strongly about either for me, my family, friends, work, etc. As you can see below one of my big prayers has been to get pregnant with a healthy baby girl in August. That exact prayer has been in my big prayers every month so when I got my period end of August I was crushed. I cried, prayed and pulled it together, God is God, He is good and knows what's going on. Now I find out I did get pregnant in August!

Oh I am nervous for 8 weeks from now, who am I to doubt God, He can do anything even give me a girl BUT I also know we don't always get what we want. Praying for peace as I can't control this and will enjoy every moment.

"Don't be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6

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