Monday, October 31, 2011

BOO Hoo Hoo

I love holidays, the preparations, late nights scrambling to finish projects, making lists, checking them twice and the joy they bring. Halloween seems to be the start, marking the beginning of a highly anticipated holiday season. Halloween has never been a big one for me but I do love costumes and candy so each year I give it a good effort. I also love how much it means to so many others, how excited they get about decorations, awesome party treats and coordinating costumes.

This year though I can't say I gave it my all, more like a 75% effort. My early pregnancy sickness squelched my motivation for wonderful costumes and Trexen declaring he doesn't like to dress up didn't help restore it. The boys still don't really understand trick-or-treating and I'm swaying more towards the mom who just buys them a bag of candy at the store than traipsing around in the cold getting plowed over by big kids for some sweets . In good holiday spirit though I got a bit creative, turned Trex into a fisherman and Pacey into his fish.

Well despite my three quarters effort it was a Halloween filled with lots of boo hoo hoo. Trexen was awake most of last night, his first soccer class didn't go well this morning, one of them was crying the entire day, very short naps and we only made it to two houses trick-or-treating. The boys cried going to my cousins, cried because I wouldn't let them eat all the candy, cried on the way to auntie Jenna's and kicked it up a notch to screaming on the way home. At 4:45 I put them in the bath, scrubbed and declared Halloween to be over. Jeff brought home pizza and they went to bed early. As I was grabbing my camera card I stubbed my pinkie toe, spilled my water and still hear the boys crying in bed. Oh me oh my, boo hoo hoo.

We will move on, get ready for the next holiday and step it up. You do get what you put into it so I guess I shouldn't be surprised BUT look out Thanksgiving I've got a ton to be thankful for and Christmas get ready... you know I LOVE you.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Party

There were pirates, a parrot, Mario, Cat in the Hat, a fisherman and fish, Rainbow Brite, an owl, a candy corn and more. One of my favorite parts of Halloween, other than the candy, is seeing all the little ones in super cute costumes. My three year old informed me this morning that he and his brother don't like to dress up and don't like costumes, a few other kiddos agreed with them while other never took theirs off.

Our fabulous host had everything decorated with ghosts, bats and webs with a delicious spread of food. The mamas enjoyed hot cider and chatted about weekend plans. Some of the older ones made foam pumpkins concentrating so hard.

We of course had to attempt a group picture which was hilarious. It was seriously like a "ready, set, go" snap the picture kind of deal. At one point though all the kids were silent just starring at us mamas with our cameras like we were crazy.

A few of my favs were the Rainbow Brite because it looked so soft and comfy, I wanted to wear it and the lumberjack because it was creative and homemade. All of the kids were pretty stinkin' cute though.

Happy Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween Festivities

Here is a list of some Halloween events around the area for this weekend, have a wonderfully Happy Halloween!

Kids/Family Events-

~Downtown Madison Family Trick-or-Treat: Friday Oct. 28th 2-5pm
~West Towne/East Towne Malls Trick-or-Treat: Monday Oct 31st 4-5pm
~Halloween at the Farm: Saturday Oct. 29th 6-8:30pm
~Apple-Palooza: Sunday Oct. 30th 10-5:00pm
~Beakers & Broomsticks: Friday Oct. 28th 6-8:30pm
~Spooktacular Cupcake Decorating: Saturday Oct. 29th 11-4:00pm
~Middleton Business Trick-or-Treating: Friday Oct. 28th Noon-5pm

Have a fun weekend, hope to see you at our Halloween Party Friday!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Due Date

Finally today has arrived, we would figure out what is going on in this belly and when our baby will arrive. You would think it would have been easy this time around to determine due date since we were actually "trying", I was calculating and re-calculating fertile days multiple times each week and we did everything my $50 e-book told us for a girl. However when that positive pregnancy test appeared and I talked with the nurse her predictions, based on my period, just didn't mesh with how I was feeling. I mean how could I be throwing up just days after conception and then a positive test not even a week later and how in the world could my belly be pooching out already and really why would I need to unbutton my jeans at dinner last night if I was only 8 weeks.

So Jeff and I drove all the way to the west side for a surprisingly short appointment. With my first two babies the ultrasound technicians were very annoyed and frustrated both times because I was actually only 6-7 weeks when they had thought I'd be further. They struggled forever to get the right pictures and measurements and were rolling their eyes at my flat tummy. This morning however quite the opposite. Now if you can't picture this scene it is very awkward, at least for me, my husband sitting in an odd location seeing things he probably doesn't want to with the tech using embarrassing terms and sticking a large instrument up me. So as I lay there freezing cold and uncomfortable the first words out of my husbands mouth, "um wow that baby looks really big already", oh thank you hunny, kind of like the other night when he grabbed my butt and said "oooh", yes I know that is code for "your butt is expanding".

Anyways the very friendly tech agreed with him, transferred measurements to the computer to discover I am actually 12 weeks due May 12th. Apparently you can be pregnant and still get a period, who knew it wasn't just a story you see on TLC. I am extremely excited to have a May baby but am struggling big time. As you know I've been praying for years for a baby girl and when I went off the pill in May started a prayer journal. I also started "Big Prayers", focusing on 3-5 things each month that are huge, things I feel so strongly about either for me, my family, friends, work, etc. As you can see below one of my big prayers has been to get pregnant with a healthy baby girl in August. That exact prayer has been in my big prayers every month so when I got my period end of August I was crushed. I cried, prayed and pulled it together, God is God, He is good and knows what's going on. Now I find out I did get pregnant in August!

Oh I am nervous for 8 weeks from now, who am I to doubt God, He can do anything even give me a girl BUT I also know we don't always get what we want. Praying for peace as I can't control this and will enjoy every moment.

"Don't be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6

Monday, October 24, 2011

A for Effort

I have a good friend who really is more than just that, she is a friend that really gets me. I crave plans, family fun and making memories for my little ones. I tend to look past sensible, throw out realistic and force the fun when necessary. So when I text my friend asking if she too wanted to dress her kids up in costumes, venture to the zoo with hundreds maybe thousands of other crazy people and drag our husbands along all for some Halloween candy I already knew the response... of course! If there is a family fun event in a hundred mile radius she knows about it and either welcomes my proposed plans or has had it on the calendar way before me.

So after a rushed morning gathering my boys from their grandparents after a late night at the fall fest, we made it to church with costumes stashed in the trunk. Service ended, we made our plan and headed for the zoo. The boys didn't know what we were doing, my husband was holding back his grumbles and I was pushing all my sicky tummy feelings away because we were going to have fun. As I knelt in the grass in front of a small white house blocks and blocks away from the zoo entrance making last minute adjustments to Pacey's fish costume I ignored my husbands muffled complaints and got excited for the memories.

Well there are no positive, picture worthy moments to report. We quickly discovered the line for trick-or-treating was outrageously long, there was no way our kiddos would last and maybe just maybe our husbands were right. No it couldn't be true, ok ditch the idea of candy I mean Target is down the road filled with candy for a few dollars, let's just enjoy the animals. She led the way blazing a trail weaving through parents holding crying kids and leaving the husbands in the dust. After looking at the lion, witnessing an orangutan pounding on the glass clearly upset at all the monkey costumes and more and more raindrops hitting our face we gave it up. I threw the kids in the stroller, yelled "we are leaving talk to you later" and booked it to the car. As I agreed with my husband that was a once in a lifetime attempt and wondering why anyone in their right mind would even think that was a good idea we left in the pouring rain.

Now most would probably throw in the towel and conclude fun wasn't happening that day, oh no not this mama. We brought pumpkins to my mom's for Sunday dinner and made everyone join in the carving experience. Uncle Andy was the funniest, stating "I'm not a dad yet I don't need to do this", well sorry sir today we ARE having some fall fun. Pacey was not interested at all, Trexen loved it for about fifteen minutes and we ended with the adults carving pumpkins while the boys played. I saw smiles though, we did have fun and Trexen hasn't stopped talking about his scary pumpkin all day.

Sometimes ideas are actually better in our heads than in reality but I say we got an A for effort.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fall Fest

Yesterday was the 3rd annual fall festival at Oma and Papa's. All last week I felt pretty good, no throwing up not even feeling nauseous just a constant headache so I was excited to enjoy a nice fall weekend. Well Saturday morning came and I woke up feeling just terrible. Dizzy, weak and extremely nauseous, bummer. We took the day slow, enjoyed quiet naps and didn't get dressed til the last minute but then we put sickness beyond and headed to the fest.

Family and friends sipped cider, warmed up with chili and ventured back to the pumpkin patch for that perfect pumpkin. The boys were shy at first, of course, but quickly warmed up and had fun with their cousins. Trexen was quick to pick out his pumpkin while Pacey was more concerned with the hay wagon and ATV. I did my best to capture the moment and enjoy despite my very sick tummy.

A few minutes after eleven Trexen was still awake the life of the party but I could tell meltdown was not far away. He chose to stay with Oma and Papa while Pacey had left much earlier with my parents. I jumped at the opportunity for a peaceful nights sleep, double and triple checked he was sure and away we went. As soon as I hit the pillow I regretted not meeting my bed earlier but the fall fest was filled with fun and worth the long day.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Our Special Day

Probably the only good thing about doctor's office visits is I usually only have one child with me. Thankfully my mom can take the boys any day of the week and my mother-in-law on Tuesdays so I rarely have to venture into the dreaded doctor's office with both kiddos. Last week Pacey was sick which meant a "special day" with him consisting of the doctor, Target, a new hot wheels car and Starbucks for mama. Trexen of course had fun at his nama's but was also anxious to have his own "special day".

Yesterday was Trexen's turn, we left Pacey at Oma's and off we went. Our adventure started at Target because don't all special days need a Target trip, the the fabric store- that one for me, next our friend's house for a little play and the the doctor's office for a three year check-up. My three year old is a nervous nelly worked up about everything so it's always an exhausting adventure going to appointments. Convincing him to get on the scale, stand tall like a giraffe for his height, opening his mouth so the feared wooden stick isn't needed and a new one yesterday...a paper thin child's blue gown to put on (still not sure why). Trexen was a shy little clam curled up on my lap the entire time but no tears, no shots, a success.

After we visited the most adorable shop across town in search of a birthday gift for my sis. Trexen loved all the vintage goodies and was pretty convinced he needed a stuffed rooster- thankfully we left without it. Then our bellies were rumbling, starving and in need of food. Hmm where to go?

The same place my mama used to take me after appointments...Pizza Hut buffet! Trex skipped to the door excited to eat with just me and I felt better just smelling food. We sat in a booth across from each other surrounded by cubicle clans away from work for lunch with big smiles on our faces. I remember sitting just like this with my mom, feeling so special to be out to eat during the day with just her.

We enjoyed salad with ranch dressing (my latest obsession- especially with french fries), cheese pizza, chocolate milk and cinnamon bread sticks. At one point in between eating, chatting and answering a million questions, Trex paused looked up and said, "mommy this is our special day right". I love special days with my boys individually and look forward to more pizza buffets after appointments.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Puffy Pumpkins

Last week I was a 4k teacher two different days and both classes did the same super fun art project. The kids are learning about fall, apples and pumpkins. At one of the centers we made puffy pumpkins, so fun! I've been feeling pretty bad lately about not doing projects with my boys so I decided to get out the shaving cream. They both really enjoyed it so I want to share it with you. I couldn't find a recipe or anything but just add a bit of shaving cream, glue and paint together, no special secret:)

-Pumpkin printed on cardstock
-Shaving Cream
-Elmer's Glue
-Orange Paint (I mixed yellow/red)
-Paper for eyes
-Candy Corn for nose
-Pipe cleaner for mouth

Coloring Eyes

Mix together

Have fun!

I know it's terrible but I helped Pacey so we had one that looked like a pumpkin.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Funk

Normally I would say "Good Friday Morning" but lately it's been more like, "ugh can't I stay in bed all day". Really my funk hasn't just been today but I liked the way Friday Funk sounded. I don't remember being crabby with my last two pregnancies, sick and tired yes but not crabby. This time I seriously am just annoyed with everyone and everything. If you are reading this I am probably annoyed with you for some tiny ridiculous meaningless reason, isn't that terrible.

***Timeout- I am sitting in our basement play room right now blogging while the boys play. Trexen just walked out of the toy closet naked. He said his jammies were hot and hurting his chin. What is going on here!

***Ok timein- I am annoyed that I feel terrible, sluggish, and have very little motivation. I'm annoyed that it took all my power and energy to jog 1.2 miles last night. I'm annoyed that my boys wake up so energetic and ready to play, whine and cry when I need a few minutes. I'm annoyed that I paid money to have a new blog designed 2 months ago and still haven't heard about it. I'm annoyed that nothing happens in my life as far as plans unless I plan it; my husband and I only go out when I plan it, my friends only get together when I plan it, play dates only happen when I plan it which normally is ok but once in a while would be nice if I could just go to a plan and enjoy. I'm annoyed that laundry is NEVER ending. I'm annoyed that we haven't done anything on my fall fun list yet and it's mid-October.

Honestly I could probably keep going but I won't because those things don't matter. In a few weeks or months when I feel better these things will be a faint memory. The past few years I've really tried to embrace the fact that life is about seasons, brief periods of time. A couple months ago I remember saying to myself, "gosh everything is going so well, enjoy this" and I am glad I did. I am fully confident things will turn up soon and in the meantime I will try to keep my crabbiness to myself and continue to be thankful for a loving God, my amazing family, our good health, new life, friends, change of seasons and the opportunity I've been given to have a flexible schedule.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sick for Saltines

There are only a few instances when saltine crackers seem necessary: 1. When eating chili 2. To keep kids occupied at family restaurants 3. When you are pregnant and very sick.

Well saltines are like gold in our house right now and no I didn't make chili and no we haven't gone out to eat, I am pregnant with baby #3! This pregnancy has been different right from the beginning starting with us actually tring to get pregnant. I had some issues in high school and was told there was a good possibility I may have trouble getting pregnant. So when I was 23 years old Jeff and I (well mostly me) thought it was time to ditch the birth control and see what was up with my body. A month later I was pregnant with Trexen realizing there will be no infertility issues. Then when our first born was 4 months old, extremely colicky and not reacting well to nursing we started formula. Well when they tell you nursing is a form of birth control they are correct, I immediately became pregnant with Paceler. So with a 13 month old and a new born it was clear we needed to wait quite some time before another.

Being the planner I am I decided another fall/almost winter baby would not work with already having two high-energy boys. This past spring I went off birth control and fully anticipated being pregnant the next month. Four month later and no sign of pregnancy I started to panic. What if we couldn't have another, that was something I hadn't even considered. With much prayer and patience I gave it up to God, let go of my perfect plan and the next month found myself throwing up at all hours of the day.

This pregnancy is a mystery though as I started throwing up and had a positive pregnancy test less than a week after supposed conception. An ultrasound is scheduled for the end of this month and I could be 8 weeks then, 10 weeks, 12 weeks, who knows. I am excited and anxious to find out the due date. Until then I struggle to make it through a day, throw up at the smell of things such as our chickens and rush to the couch whenever possible. Although I physically feel like I've had the stomach flu for four weeks I am overflowing with gratitude. I am so incredibly thankful for this gift, truly a miracle and if a healthy baby awaits me at the end I won't mind throwing up hundreds more times. I've had family and friends struggle with infertility and have seen the heartbreak, I know there are many out there who would give anything to feel this way right now. For those reasons I try not to complain but instead thank God every day for this baby.

In case your wondering what happens to a house when the mommy is sick, you don't have to wonder anymore. My closest is still in process of summer clothes moving out and winter getting in, at this rate I should have it switch by spring. Beds go unmade, a changing table in need of repair gets used for clothes storage and little boys stay in jammies until noon making big messes every where. Brace yourselves this isn't pretty...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pretending to be Professional

Did I tell you I finally got a new camera? This is something I've been thinking about for quite some time since trips to professional photographers always result in disappointment. Every time I had cute outfits chosen, scheduled the shoot at just the right hour of day and envisioned stunning, tear jerking pictures in the end. HA that never happened, instead we left after a few short minutes, me sweating kids crying and somehow still spending a hundred dollars on pictures I didn't even like.

I knew from the beginning this whole camera thing would be a battle with my husband and I needed to approach it fully armed. He just doesn't understand the photo memory thing especially when a lot of money is at stake. Another point against me was I already had a nice Kodak digital camera but the delay was driving me crazy! After a few weeks of research and gathering the facts to build my case I went to battle. As expected I was confronted with skepticism and strong push back.

After more discussion and me closing with the argument that I would use Poplin money to purchase the camera he kind of gave up. For the next few weeks I worked hard earning enough money at Poplin Parties and through custom orders to buy the camera. With only a few days until Trexen's birthday party I clicked the confirm button and squealed with excitement.

Now I am snapping pictures like crazy pretending to be all professional. Really I know nothing about photography but hope to learn someday soon. This weekend I had a fall photo shoot with my kiddos, in our backyard and no one left in tears or wiping sweat from their brow. I love love love my camera and the memories it is capturing. Part of this camera deal was that I need to do something with all these pictures so that is the next project...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Life Happens

I completely understand life happens and do my best to keep this in mind when planning events but yesterday that positive attitude thing was no where to be found. This past summer we started doing Mama's Night Outs and it was super fun. The first time it was just me and my besties, we invited others but none came so the four of us had a blast crafting, eating and discovering the best candy store ever. Mama's Night Out round two was quite different, a full table, multiple conversations and mama's I hadn't seen for a while, awesome. Round three a bit of the same, quality time chatting with mama's over delicious desserts.

Before I get into last night's gathering let me just remind myself, yes life happens. As much of a planner as I am and even though I 99% of the time do what I say I will do I am not crazy enough to believe plans will never be broken. We all have kiddos, significant others, jobs, houses, family, etc. and sometimes those things need to take priority over a fun night out. BUT planning is only enjoyable when the plans work.

Jenny Dickinson was kind enough to agree to a baking lesson for this month's night out. She loves cooking and baking so I thought it would be relaxing and something unique to have her show us how to make fall cookies, we could all ask questions, watch, learn, chat and enjoy fallish treats. As of Thursday there were eleven mama's committed to coming, Jenny was baking away and I was convincing my husband it wasn't a big deal to flip flop our dining room and play room. By 10pm we had moved the rooms, groceries were purchased, the table was set and I was giddy with excitement.

Well life happened and in the end only five mama's came and to be honest I was annoyed and crabby. Of course I still had a fantastic time and love all the mama's who showed, we laughed, sipped hot cider and soaked in all of Jenny's helpful baking tips but inside I couldn't help but be annoyed. Jenny and I put a lot of work into the night, money was spent, my husband contributed time and everyone who didn't show up would have loved it. That's really where my annoyance and disappointment come from, so many missed out on a wonderful evening.

I am thankful for last night, the time away from my kiddos, the delicious cookies and the reminder that yes life happens.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Taste Better

Normally my belly starts to grumble and I get the shakes around noon when I realize I've yet to put any food in my body. I don't love food, I mean I'm extremely thankful for it but if there was a pill to take instead I would. When it boils down to it I don't like the amount of time food consumes, time grocery shopping, putting food away, cooking the meal, eating the meal and then the dreaded clean up time.

Before you think I am totally whack I don't share these same feelings about candy and sweets and I do eat. I've discovered being home more I would rather wait until nap time to eat because it's quiet. Not sure what that means if anything but I guess food taste better to me in the calmness of nap time. And some days I have treats like caramel apples that are stashed away just for my time of peace.

Today we ventured the few miles to Lapacek's Orchard and I nonchalantly added a chocolate chip caramel apple to my order. My good friend Kim and owner of the orchard didn't flinch, she knows how much I love those things but inside I knew it would be my quiet time treat today. Sweet, crisp and delicious, I welcome nap time today.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Get Out

Whining, crying, arguing over tractors and multiple timeouts all by 7:30am. As soon as I started counting the hours and minutes until nap time I knew it was going to be a "get out" day. As much as I like the indoors and would have loved to curl up with a hot cocoa lounging in pj's well past mid-morning it wasn't going to work. Ever since Trexen was wee little and testing my patience I've said, "if I can just get out everything will be better"and 99% of the time it's true.

Thankfully the weather was cooperating and our energy levels high making the dash outdoors quick. We got dressed, sprayed some dry shampoo in my dirty locks and called friends- meet us at the Mackenzie Center ASAP.

Life is all about choices, I could have easily stayed in jammies, continued to referee spats but quite possibly not made it nap time with my sanity. Although it was work to get us ready, fed and in the car getting out of the house was worth it today.