Three years ago today I silently clung to an uncomfortable hospital bed praying my excruciating back labor would subside and my precious baby would enter the world. He was my first baby and I didn't really know what to expect, we didn't have a birth plan and put full trust in my mom and mother-in-law to get us through. Ten and half hours of labor, a few minutes of pushing and our 8lb. 3oz baby boy, Trexen Neil Moll, joined the world ironically not crying.

My preparation for this bundle of joy consisted of watching numerous TLC Baby Stories and reading blog and after blog and the one thing consistent in all was a healthy baby will come out crying. Much of Trexen's birth is a blur, I guess my mind has suppressed the pain, but the one thing I vividly remember is my initial reaction, "he's not crying, why is he not crying". Jeff was speechless, the doctor focused on me and a swarm of nurses scooped little buddy up shielding my view.

A few minutes later he began to cry and didn't stop for many many months later! As part of my pre-baby research I also read about how great the hospital stay would be, lots of rest and relaxation. Haha, was that wrong, Trexen screamed the first night, developed colic soon after and was an extremely challenging baby. Thankfully my hubby and I didn't know anything else and took most things in stride doing the best we could.

Three years later Trexen is still a challenge but I wouldn't change a thing. He is inquisitive, tender-hearted, verbal, passionate, high strung, painfully shy, a picture hater, a bit anxious and the hardest working three year old around. Give this big boy a job and he is happier than a clam, an outside job is even better. His mind never shuts off, he likes to be busy, absolutely loves tractors and is a daddy's boy. Buddy claims his favorite store is the Piggly Wiggly because they have kid-sized carts and if he can choose to go anywhere it is his Nama's house.

People told me time would fly and kids grow up so quickly but it is hitting me hard today. How did those three years past so quickly, how did my little baby get to be such a big boy. I tease him to stay small and he refuses, Trexen has huge dreams of traveling to Canada when he is five, chewing gum when he is seven and becoming a farmer. I am incredibly blessed to have this three year old in my life and blessed to have so many who love and adore him.

My preparation for this bundle of joy consisted of watching numerous TLC Baby Stories and reading blog and after blog and the one thing consistent in all was a healthy baby will come out crying. Much of Trexen's birth is a blur, I guess my mind has suppressed the pain, but the one thing I vividly remember is my initial reaction, "he's not crying, why is he not crying". Jeff was speechless, the doctor focused on me and a swarm of nurses scooped little buddy up shielding my view.

A few minutes later he began to cry and didn't stop for many many months later! As part of my pre-baby research I also read about how great the hospital stay would be, lots of rest and relaxation. Haha, was that wrong, Trexen screamed the first night, developed colic soon after and was an extremely challenging baby. Thankfully my hubby and I didn't know anything else and took most things in stride doing the best we could.

Three years later Trexen is still a challenge but I wouldn't change a thing. He is inquisitive, tender-hearted, verbal, passionate, high strung, painfully shy, a picture hater, a bit anxious and the hardest working three year old around. Give this big boy a job and he is happier than a clam, an outside job is even better. His mind never shuts off, he likes to be busy, absolutely loves tractors and is a daddy's boy. Buddy claims his favorite store is the Piggly Wiggly because they have kid-sized carts and if he can choose to go anywhere it is his Nama's house.

People told me time would fly and kids grow up so quickly but it is hitting me hard today. How did those three years past so quickly, how did my little baby get to be such a big boy. I tease him to stay small and he refuses, Trexen has huge dreams of traveling to Canada when he is five, chewing gum when he is seven and becoming a farmer. I am incredibly blessed to have this three year old in my life and blessed to have so many who love and adore him.