Friday, September 30, 2011

Three Years Ago

Three years ago today I silently clung to an uncomfortable hospital bed praying my excruciating back labor would subside and my precious baby would enter the world. He was my first baby and I didn't really know what to expect, we didn't have a birth plan and put full trust in my mom and mother-in-law to get us through. Ten and half hours of labor, a few minutes of pushing and our 8lb. 3oz baby boy, Trexen Neil Moll, joined the world ironically not crying.

My preparation for this bundle of joy consisted of watching numerous TLC Baby Stories and reading blog and after blog and the one thing consistent in all was a healthy baby will come out crying. Much of Trexen's birth is a blur, I guess my mind has suppressed the pain, but the one thing I vividly remember is my initial reaction, "he's not crying, why is he not crying". Jeff was speechless, the doctor focused on me and a swarm of nurses scooped little buddy up shielding my view.

A few minutes later he began to cry and didn't stop for many many months later! As part of my pre-baby research I also read about how great the hospital stay would be, lots of rest and relaxation. Haha, was that wrong, Trexen screamed the first night, developed colic soon after and was an extremely challenging baby. Thankfully my hubby and I didn't know anything else and took most things in stride doing the best we could.

Three years later Trexen is still a challenge but I wouldn't change a thing. He is inquisitive, tender-hearted, verbal, passionate, high strung, painfully shy, a picture hater, a bit anxious and the hardest working three year old around. Give this big boy a job and he is happier than a clam, an outside job is even better. His mind never shuts off, he likes to be busy, absolutely loves tractors and is a daddy's boy. Buddy claims his favorite store is the Piggly Wiggly because they have kid-sized carts and if he can choose to go anywhere it is his Nama's house.

People told me time would fly and kids grow up so quickly but it is hitting me hard today. How did those three years past so quickly, how did my little baby get to be such a big boy. I tease him to stay small and he refuses, Trexen has huge dreams of traveling to Canada when he is five, chewing gum when he is seven and becoming a farmer. I am incredibly blessed to have this three year old in my life and blessed to have so many who love and adore him.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Peter Pies and Farmer John

The boys anxiously awaited daddy's arrival home last night just as they do every day but yesterday was a bit more special. My husband is all about nature and living off the land, I say he should be Amish or something. He strives to be self sustaining, needs to know where his food comes from and although works in the technology field likes to "disconnect" when possible. He has been wanting chickens for quite sometime and as much as I dislike animals I've decided to let him explore this adventure.

Construction on the chicken coop or chicken mansion as I like to call it began this summer and has yet to end. For not even knowing if our family is a chicken raising one he sure has spent lots of time and money on this coop but I'm staying out of it.

Pacey wanted those chicks!

Yesterday was the big day, six baby chicks came home in a tiny cardboard box chirping away. The boys were squealing with excitement, my husband looked like a kid in a candy store and I immediately regretted this decision. The fluffy, loud baby chicks were born yesterday morning, freshly hatched and all I could think about was now we have to keep these things alive. Don't get me wrong I am not some cold heartless soul I just don't have that animal connection or bond. My hands are full with two little boys, a part-time job, sewing business and a dog.

In true mama fashion though I grabbed my camera and captured my three boys in their glory. Trexen has taken it upon himself to name our new pets, 5 Peter Pies and 1 Farmer John. They absolutely love these baby chicks so for now I bite my tongue, repress the annoyance of being the one home all day with these new pets and enjoy my boy's happiness.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Endurance was Tested

Today was the Roo Run Run, Trexen was registered, had his number and ready to put all his practicing to the test. If you haven't experienced the Roo Run Run it is pretty funny, a race for kiddos 2 years- 6 years. They get a t-shirt, an official number and medal at the end. I signed Trexen up a few weeks ago with some specific intentions. My husband and I want to facilitate a healthy lifestyle filled with activity for our little ones and in addition we are desperately trying to help Trexen overcome his painfully shy nature.

My entire family has been hyping this race up for weeks now, encouraging him and preparing to cheer him on. Trexen was excited to wear his gold tennis shoes and pump his arms to fly past the other competitors. Morning arrived with dark gloomy rain clouds, cool air and anything but ideal conditions for a child's run. We debated all morning about what to do my husband ready to throw in the towel and move on while I was already configuring an indoor race track somewhere in our house with a finish line and balloons, I mean he was going to run no matter what.

We decided to get in the car and head to the zoo hoping the rain would stop in time for the race. Trexen fell asleep on the way and we were running late making for a crabby three year old and an anxiously frantic mama. On a positive note the rain had stopped and Trexen was quickly snapping out of the crabbies but I could only picture us getting to the start line and missing the race because we were so late. I impolitely told my husband to grab Trex and start running towards the race while I woke Pacey and followed (let me add we had to park blocks and blocks away from the zoo entrance).

I try extremely hard to keep composer with my husband in public. This is something I am always aware of and have seen wives unintentionally disrespect and belittle their spouses in front of others too many times so I make it a point not to. HOWEVER I am human and today was the wife speed walking half a block behind yelling up to my hubby to go faster, run, move, get to the race! Oh my why did I do that, I'm sure people were watching and listening thinking I was a crazy person, it was just a preschoolers race for pete's sake.

With an almost 2 year old in my left arm, his rain boats barely on, my giant purse bouncing around, a new camera around my neck and sweat appearing on my face we got to the start line just in time. My family, have I told you how wonderful they are, were there waiting to cheer him on; my dad asking all the race volunteers for details wondering how the waves were set up and the layout of the course. He quickly realized it was a tiny little maybe 20 foot course and there were no rules or details to be had. I stood at the finish ready to click away capturing the moment when the gun went off, ok not really but someone said start. Where was my boy, did someone push him over, is he ok?

Once the race ended and crowd cleared we saw him, clinging to his daddy with a face filled with crocodile tears. After all that, all the preparations and stress he let his intense fear of people get the best of him and didn't run. My heart sank, I was sad and disappointed, I knew he could do it. My husband was quick to say I told you so and I could tell our endurance as parents was put to the test today. I expressed my disappointment but took into consideration he is only three and very shy. After all said and done when the other kids were packing up to leave he ran his own race. Stretching his legs, pumping his arms and smiling ear to ear.

As I sit in front of this screen replaying the moments in my mind the race didn't matter. He was exposed to a somewhat real race, was challenged and in his own way and time was the biggest winner of all to family who cheered, jumped up and down and told him how proud we were. Endurance was tested by we kept on, put things into perspective and walked away with an unforgettable memory.

Friday, September 23, 2011

5 Under 5

I have had 3 before, even 4 but today might have been the first time I had five little boys all under the age of five. Unfortunately good friends had a funeral to attend today but I was happy to watch their little ones. My nephew also needed a place to go for a while today so what the heck come on over!

They played tractors, raced hot wheels, wrestled on the floor and ran through the house laughing. Getting out the door for PB & J was a little chaotic and I realized once again our current SUV is not ideal for four boys all in car seats. April welcomed us in with open arms, yummy snacks and a large basement playroom. Play date was wonderful not only for the boys but me. I was thankful to have some time with adults, girls for that fact, in the middle of my day surrounded by boys. Don't let me forget to mention I forgot my wallet in our mad dash out the door, the gas light dinged on as we entered Sun Prairie and I frantically tore through the car for cash. Six dollars and one and a half gallons later we had just enough fuel to make it home.

My husband was skeptical I could get all down for a nap but within thirty minutes I had four little boys sleeping soundly and one resting with a leapster and cartoons. I was challenged today, depleted of energy, didn't have it all together at every moment but all parents returned to happy, messy and smiling kiddos. Now time for me to recover, night night.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Giving In

I am tempted quite often to give in to my body's desire for a nap. Each day I put the kids down at 1pm, Pacey goes down very easily and falls asleep quickly but Trex takes a little more effort. I lay in his super cool tractor bed, tell him one story (usually a snowmobile or bulldozer one, however today was a tractor story) and then tickle his back. I've tried numerous times to leave him before his peepers are closed and it never goes well and in the end takes much longer to get him to sleep. If I just lay there long enough for him to fall asleep it is smooth sailing, quiet time for mommy for at least an hour.

Most days I fall asleep for a minute or two before I jolt awake coaxing myself to get up and accomplish something. Nap time is laundry time, dishes, Poplin crafting time, dinner making time and my time to think. It is extremely rare that I lay down and rest, not that my body doesn't beg to but I hate naps. Every time I wake up annoyed that I wasted my bit of silence sleeping; I feel so much better when I do something even if I'm dragging tired. Laying on the couch during nap time also makes me feel somewhat guilty, I mean my husband is sitting in his cubicle working away without any opportunity of shut eye.

However today I gave in to the temptation. A load of laundry was switched, a few emails sent and now I'm planted comfortably on our long, cozy couch. My belly hasn't felt good the past few days and I just couldn't find an ounce of motivation to keep going this afternoon. I don't want to make this habit but let me tell you this feels good. I lay here looking at pictures scroll by on the computer screen and a smile fills my face, I love our new routine, this opportunity I've been blessed with to be home more and once in a while give in to nap time.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fishing Birthday Party

As we cleaned fifteen goldfish bowls, tidied up the house and untangled homemade fishing poles my husband and I smiled thinking about the last three years. How could our baby be turning three already? It seems like just yesterday we brought our 8lbs 3oz crabby, colicky yet oh so sweet boy home. He has always chosen the great outdoors over being stuck in, he follows his daddy everywhere and is quite the fisherman.

Trexen 8 months old

Today's fishing birthday party was perfect. The vision in my mind came to life just as I imagined, complete with a cottage, bait shop, dock/pier and honey hole. Buddy Lake was busy today with lots of little fisherman practicing their cast and catching the big ones. Hot coffee, cocoa and a little campfire helped everyone stay toasty warm.

I made colored ice cubes in the shape of fish.

The cake left me speechless and in awe of the way God gifts each person differently. Julie is a cake master making the most outstanding fishing cake and blue bobber cupcakes that tasted incredibly.

The kiddos sat on stumps, played fishing games, snacked on treats and even got to pick out a real goldfish to take home. I heard names such as goldy, gummi bear, slinky and percy for the fish. All the parents were wonderful, pretending to be excited willingly taking these new pets home (fish food was included).

My little buddy loved all his gifts and hugged each friend. He hasn't stopped playing with them and keeps saying, "I love all my new toys, my friends are so nice". The morning quickly came to a close and little friends left with arms full of fabric fish, poles and their newest pet.

We transported everything back inside chatting about the details while really wishing our dishwasher worked. Thankfully I have the most amazing mom ever who washed all the dishes leaving me with a clean kitchen.

My baby is three, I can't believe it, but I do know he is mine because...he has already started planning next year's party. According to him next year it will be John Deere theme.

Party Details:
~Printable Invitations, Circles, etc.- Spaceships & Lazerbeams
~Cake- Julie Schoeneberg
~Fishing Decor- Hobby Lobby
~I made the "Gone Fishing Sign", painted the wooden FISH letters, painted signs and my mom made fabric fish for party favors.

Click here and here for previous posts on the fishing birthday.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Day

Today was filled with lots of first and I am excited for the second, third, fourth, etc.

First Day to a new season in my life.
First Day since beginning of summer both mommy and daddy had to get ready for work.
First Day as a teacher in the same elementary school I grew up in.

First Day I was Mrs. Moll to twenty first graders.
First Day I felt like my two kids maybe weren't so much trouble.

First full Day with our tempory pet fish, all survived the night.

And last but certainly not least...First picture with my new camera!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Secret Snack Spot

Here I go again with the alliterations, I just can't stop! Today we went with my mom and her daycare kids and found a secret snack spot at the Mackenzie Center. It really wasn't secret, instead a spot we walk by each and every time during our weekly visit. The Mackenzie Center is a free environmental education center that is operated by the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation and the DNR. The center has a variety of natural habitats and exhibits featuring animals such as wolf pups, a bald eagle, river otter, badger, mountain lion and more.

This now weekly highlight of ours was the location of my very first picnic. As a baby my parents loaded the car and made the trek "up north". At the time they lived near Madison and oh my Poynette was so far away. It also used to be a dreaded field trip for me in grade school, a day in the woods looking at boring animals fighting off biting bugs. I just couldn't figure out why anyone would find that enjoyable but those teachers loved it. Traipsing through the woods with fifty plus kids trailing beyond they would get all excited at every new animals requiring us to roll crayons over the foot print tiles, write down not so fascinating facts and sit on hard logs listening to a boring DNR representative.

Funny the perspective I have these days, I look forward to our weekly Mackenzie Center visit anticipating the quiet in the woods, starring at common animals such as deer and seeing my kids light up when I mention a secret snack spot. It is the small things, we walk by the hard wood benches every week but today used them for our snack spot and my little ones thought it was amazing.

I love having a place that no matter the day, time, moods or how many times we visit it will always prove to be a success. Never dreamed that place being in the woods surrounded by bugs, animals and nature (I had a shopping mall with girls wearing pink dressed in mind) but I am thankful for our spot. Thankful for the memories, pictures, conversations and pure joy our spot brings.