Friday, September 2, 2011

The Last Hurrah

HIGH: 89
WIND: W 5-15

This is the exact weather forecast from one of our local news stations. It started out being warm, humid and 92 with no showers but by last night there was a chance later in the day. Perfect, sounds like a great forecast for our last summer hurrah. The Deforest Splash Pad closes this weekend so I thought it would be fitting we end our PB & J summer there.

6am rolls around and I find myself half off the bed with a two year olds feet in my face. Trexen learned how to open his gate and can now walk into our room so he must have crawled in early this morning. I had a pep talk with myself late last night trying to find the motivation for a morning run. Easily persuaded to stay in bed I peeked my eyes open looking for the slightest chance of bad weather. Instead the sun was just coming up, bright and warm with a thin layer of haze. Running shoes went on and out the door I went to work towards my 10k goal and spend time in prayer with God.

Just an hour later my phone is beeping like crazy friends are texting and emailing saying it is storming. Well that's funny it was beautiful at my house and the forecast didn't call for morning showers. The scrambling started and a new plan was made. My littles were helping me dust while I frantically vacuumed, scrubbed and made a metal note to keep my house more clean at all times. By mid-morning our home was filled with coffee, donuts, my favorite group of mamas and 12 kids (only 2 girls) running around, laughing and begging to wrestle.

The weather had been an obstacle this summer forcing me to be flexible and think quickly. Hoping this fall will be a bit more stable but if not we can have fun anywhere! Here are some upcoming PB & J Days:

~Friday September 9th- Lapacek's Orchard
~Friday September 16th- Sun Prairie Dream Park
~Friday September 23rd- Henry Vilas Zoo
~No PB & J September 30th

PS....A new blog is in the works, stay tuned!

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