Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sun and Shade

Summer seems to have finally arrived and I am trying to balance time between sun and shade. My mind loves the sun, warm temperatures and the thought of being golden brown. My body on the other hand likes the shade. From a very young age I've had super sensitive skin; my cheeks would break out from spaghetti sauce, arms itchy from the garden and swollen bug bites bigger than a dime. Now in my late 20's (really, do I have to consider 26 late 20's, I don't want to!) this skin hasn't changed much.

Hats are a staple for me in the summer (Pacey had a rough weekend).

I listen to my mind, lay out in the sun and instant headache, legs covered in red rash and the delicate skin on my face boiling with anger. My skin just doesn't like the sun, it desires shade so I am done fighting and am embracing my whiteness. Yes I have close to glowing white skin, will occasionally get red in the summer but won't be tan and would rather be inside sewing instead of soaking up the rays. I've learned...the summer shade is just as enjoyable as the summer sun.

Today's PB & J Day was perfect for the shade lovers. Town of Burke Park was peaceful, shaded and an amazing play date spot. I had the treat of being a mama to only one today as Trex stayed with his Nama. It was a shocking difference, I actually chatted with other mamas, held my littlest and didn't leave exhausted. Although I missed my eldest and felt sad as his friends one by one asked where he was, it was much needed bonding for Pacey Pie and I.

Hope you are enjoying the sun and shade, soaking up the season and enjoying this moment right now.

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