Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's All Relative

Morning came all too soon yet not soon enough this morning. Last night was spent at friend's house where pudgy pies sizzled over the fire, water splashed from the wading pool and laughs floated through the neighbor yards. As we pulled into the driveway the lightning bugs lit the way and meltdowns began. In to bed our little ones went and not too long after my husband and I followed. I was tired and looking forward to sleep...funny how kids seem to know that.

2am and I am abruptly woken by my incredibly loud 2 year old screaming, "mommy". Honestly I have the loudest children, they don't know how to cry only scream in a high pitch ear piercing way. Trexen hasn't been sleeping well so we've been leaving his gate (a baby gate we have in his door way) open so he can come into our room. The scream got closer and I knew it was time to peel my eyes open and once again work at calming him down. This time he was holding his finger screaming it hurts; well it was dark, my eyes barely open, I couldn't tell what happened.

Three hours later him and I still awake now downstairs rotating between the couch and rocking chair. I would start to doze and he would scream because the freezing cold ice pack he just had to have on his finger would slip. Oh I am not used to being awake so early when only infomercials line the tv guide. However just six months ago this was normal, I was always awake at 3am and knew which channels to surf and who I could find on Facebook.

(Finally sleeping at nap time)

Funny how we get used to new things so quickly. A short time ago a good nights sleep consisted of 3-4 hours sometimes not even in my bed, now a good nights sleep is in my bed only up once. It's all relative, what we get used to as moms, how we push ourselves to keep going and the attitude in which we do it all with. I was grumpy this morning, my back hurt from the couch and I had to dig deep to find motivation for the beach. Yet I am thankful, God knows I need those reminders. Many sleepless nights I prayed, pleading for sleep and in return I would never take it for granted again, never forget His strength getting me through.

A good night's sleep, our level of tiredness, motivation,'s all relative.

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