Thursday, July 28, 2011

a SMALL project

It all started last Friday when I walked into my friend's master bedroom. Painted walls, crisp lines, a cozy reading nook, and a beautiful bed set made me feel like I had just stepped into a magazine. She's been working really hard putting it all together adding things here and there but it was amazing. Light bulb goes off...

Our master bedroom is pretty big, all white walls, the same bed I had in college, 3 lonely daisy canvases hung above, a tiny falling apart from Ikea night stand holding up our anciently huge yet tiny tv and a giant window begging for a seat. Sigh... No magazine award winning feeling in there. My husband and I have been talking about buying a bedroom set for a looong time now but we always cheap out. I mean it's only us that sees it, he couldn't care less and I always get distracted with decorating other, more noticed rooms.

That's just what happened, distracted and inspired to take on a few small projects. Monday as I am reading my favorite blog and watching HGTV it slapped me in the face. The blog featured a super cute, kid-friendly house and the show said, "let your space represent you." Our main living space just doesn't represent me or our family. It used to be filled with color, all the walls but then I had Paceler my 2nd colicky baby and I freaked out one day. I insisted on all the walls being white or very light, removed almost all color and went with black accents. Maybe I thought the calm walls and space would trickle into my little's body or maybe I just wanted a blank slate, I don't know.

If you know me at all I am far from calm and relaxed, I love color and always doing projects so why is my house complete opposite. This leads me to a SMALL project I attempted today...

~Magnetic wall paint, followed by chalkboard paint, finished with handmade magnets and artwork. Sounds pretty simple, kiddos went to my mom's for 2 hours and to work I went.

First coat goes on, this is going to be good...

2nd and 3rd coat, getting a little more intense, go into wash up faze and all heck breaks loose. The magnetic paint was stuck, I mean really stuck, to my hands. The more I scrubbed the worse it became. After trying soap, nail polish remover, soft scrub and goo be gone I started to panic. This substance even ate the magic eraser. My arms were tingly and felt weak and the water just slide off not even phasing the thick black tar. Oh my chemicals seeping in attacking my body (ok probably not but my mind went there).

Six hours later the small project is over. My hands at least look like hands again, still sporting specks of black but I am happy with the outcome. A step in the right direction. I am also adding some color and pizazz to our living room, stay tuned.


  1. This is GREAT! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Color! I also love to redo rooms and decorate, so if you ever want help, call me! I love that you took the step back to your world of color! I have to admit, when I first met you, I pictured you as a color person thru and thru. Then, I saw pictures of your house, I was shocked. All I came across was whites/greys/blacks it dumbfounded me! Welcome back to the world of joyous color!!!

  2. So funny; I already have a bunch of the supplies to do this in the boys room and also magnetize the chalkboard wall in our kitchen. I'm happy to know how much of a pain the magnetic paint is; I recently saw magnetic spray paint that I think I'll try instead! Great job!!

  3. A job well done Cole! I am so glad you got to feel productive and had a successful time making your home look even better! Love the idea!
