Sunday, April 10, 2011

Filled Up

9 mamas, almost 20 kiddos and one full house. PB & J this week was amazing and completely filled me up. I truly believe God has made us all for a purpose, given us unique gifts and has a specific plan for each season of life. Just as this Wisconsin weather seems to finally be changing seasons my season of life appears to be shifting.

I am a type A, planned, do-er kind of person. At about age 6 I had my whole life planned and couldn't wait to be an adult. As my relationship with God has grown and strengthened I've learned my plan is not important, it is about His plan and timing. Up until recently I knew what season of life I was in and it was good, very good. Now as I slowly transition and fall deeper into an unknown path our weekly play dates put me at ease.

Once the last mama left on Friday, I fed my three kiddos (had my nephew for the day), put them down for naps I just sat and smiled. I don't make any money from PB & J, I don't have anything tangible to show other than so-so pictures and I really don't do anything that great but I feel completely filled up. For the first time in a while I felt like that was exactly what God created me for in this season. Moms from all walks of life, communities and backgrounds chatting it up like old friends. Kids wrestling, laughing and trying their very best to share.

Immediately our culture and society try and pull me in, telling me I need to make money, have something to show for my time but then I am reminded life is so much more. More purpose, more love, more meaning and I am getting it from a simple playgroup. I pray you all are getting something from this as well, you feel connected and feel content with this season of motherhood.

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