Friday, April 1, 2011


Today's PB & J was exactly how it's supposed to be. Almost a year ago now I started praying. I had a stirring, a desire to connect with some mamas while my kids met new friends. At this time I found myself in a new place, my group of friends from high school/college are wonderful but not married and no kids, my family is amazing but I wanted some friends I could relate too. Mamas who could love my chaos, realize my kiddos are challenging but still make the effort to gather once a week.

A year later on a snowy April Fool's I am at a playdate surrounded by incredible mamas and awesome kiddos. We always talk a mile a minute trying to fit in every word while chasing little ones, wiping noses and encouraging the ever so hard concept of "sharing". Today we met baby Grant, snuggled a new little body remembering how blessed we are to be called mommy. We also celebrated pregnancy as we grow with anticipation for Kim to have her 3rd baby girl. Two new mamas joined us today, we exchanged stories, our kids played and it was exactly as it should be.

I am simply speechless, it was absolutely perfect. Exactly as it should be.

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