Monday, November 14, 2011

Ready, Set, Go!

November is always filled with celebrations, plans and moments of stress but this year is slightly more intense. We welcomed the month with my 27th birthday including some delicious Mexican food, plenty of laughs and an overwhelming feeling of gratefulness for my amazing family and friends. Then we went straight into a "Little Guys in Ties" baby celebration that couldn't have gone any better. Each baby is such a miracle and I felt honored to celebrate my friend's little bundles.

This past weekend Jeff enjoyed some guy time at the Badger basketball game while I tried out a new coffee cozy display at N's Whims Holiday Open House.

Both of us had a great day that ended with late night game playing to celebrate a bestie's birthday, laughing until we cried, spilled drinks and lasting memories. Yesterday Jeff took on the challenge of finding us a different vehicle, we sold our little car (corolla) two weekends ago and have been borrowing my wonderful mama's car since then. So he ventured out yesterday with my dad and found us a fabulous new van, used but almost like new that I am pretty excited about.

After a rough night of whining, wetting through jammies and being squished in a queen bed with four people we are all about birthday preparations today. Jeff has the day off, is on his way to Milwaukee to pick up the soccer mom mobile while the kids and I work on race car decor. Since Pacey's birthday falls towards the end of this month we have to celebrate inside, meaning only family and a few of Pacey's friends can join. It won't be the big bash that Trexen has each year but I like that, more intimate and focused. Today is my only day at home this week as I will be teaching the other days so it is full speed, pedal to the metal, get it all done NOW time. Here is a sneak peak to the party. I have some Taylor Swift radio blasting, in my sweats and the house is a disaster, yep another party is almost here.

Supply Table

Current Mess

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