It is winter, cold and windy, add in a very long string of sickness and everyone starts to go a little stir crazy. This week we had a record worthy blizzard and what could be chicken pox at my house. I try hard to keep the kiddos busy, coming up with fun activities such as snow in the kitchen, making snow ice cream, homemade play-doh and even the occasional finger painting. Today I felt like my energy was low and my creativity slightly depleted so... we got out the bubbles!
Kids LOVE bubbles in the summer, why not the winter! This kept my one and two year old busy, by themselves for exactly 17 minutes, quite amazing.
(However we did have a pile of bubble liquid on the floor at minute 18)
We just did this last week! We were at Hobby Lobby and Brady saw a little bubble set for like $1. Came home and played with bubbles in the kitchen! :)