Every one's always saying life is so busy, there just isn't enough time, when things settle down...all of which makes me cringe. It's so true, couldn't be more right but if you let your days fly by with this mentality you will miss it all. Life is fast paced, a full calendar hangs on the door and I am in constant motion. BUT I do my best to love it, not wait until it slows down (because it won't) to enjoy the moments.
Being on the go fills my tank. Even when I am dead tired exhausted loading the kids up for a quick trip for popcorn is always better than being couped up in the house. I love giving my kids new experiences, showing them the world. HOWEVER sometimes it catches up with me...
I found a sippy cup deep in one of my many diaper bags, hidden under an extra pair of undies and a monster truck. This forgotten sippy was filled with milk, old clumpy spoiled milk. Being completely truthful I left it there for a good hour contemplating how I could finagle my husband to deal with it. Finally I pushed up my sleeves plugged my nose and emptied the chunks. Gotta love life, the busyness, craziness and hidden treasures!
Thanks for the great playdate today, it was much needed.
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