Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mom's Can't Quit

Little ones in red and green jammies fit snuggly to their body, Christmas tree twinkling, a fire crackling, snow lightly falling outside and daddy reading us all a bedtime story, what a perfect Christmas Eve.

Ok so ours wasn't exactly how I had envisioned the holiday happening. Both my little boys spent Christmas with goopy, green, disgusting noses, barking coughs and glazed over eyes. They were a pitiful sight, trying to be excited and thankful but really just wanting to curl up in mommy's lap. We trudged through the day trying to create joyful memories but beneath it all was frustration.

You plan, anticipate and prepare for weeks. Picturing the perfect Christmas in your mind, playing it out over and over. Then when it finally arrives and the excitement is buried by sickness it is a bummer, a big bummer.

To make matters worse we took on potty training this past week. Trexen has been asking for a while and he was ready and since Jeff and I both had the week off it seemed like a great idea. We have spent the past few weeks preparing Trexen, getting him excited for this new step. Monday went well, 2 accidents and lots of excitement. Tuesday was much of the same. By Wednesday though I could tell it was going downhill. As afternoon rolled around it was getting worse, he was now holding all pee and poop inside. Ok, don't panic I thought call the doctor. Well they just said put him back in! Thursday brought lots of tears, helplessness and pain. Thursday night we contemplated a trip to the ER, we were pumping him full of prune juice and laxatives, but nothing worked.

Today is Sunday and not much has changed. We forced a pull-up on him last night and he finally went today. Not sure where to go from here, he wants to be a big boy and thinks he is doing it isn't. This week has not been one of my best. I said things I didn't mean, had negative thoughts and really just wanted to quit. Motherhood that is; I wanted to be done. This isn't working well, we have 2 of the most challenging kids and I am exhausted. Can't I just be done for a while? NO! Mom's can't quit, I can't leave, can't hide and can't ignore. Motherhood has to move one as does life. I know we will survive this and move on but what a challenging week!

Can't wait to see you all Friday and share holiday stories.

1 comment:

  1. It's normal to want to quit sometimes; even if it is the one job we can't quit! I think we've all been there. This past week was a bad one for me as well but we just need to remember that we are doing the best we can and we love our kids with a passion. Looking forward to Friday!
