Thursday, November 25, 2010

I am Thankful For...

I am overwhelming thankful for my life. I could have been born in any country, to any family and into any situation but God blessed me. This country is amazing filled with an abundance of opportunity and freedom; my family is simply amazing, they fill me with unexplainable love and my situation is one I wouldn't change for the world. My life is fast paced, loud, predictable yet unpredictable, never boring, joyful and perfect for me.

Today will be filled with juice turkey, creamy white mashed potatoes with just the right amount of melted butter and an assortment of pies to truly put us in a food coma. But today is amount so much more, the feeling of thankfulness. In all times we should be thankful, not just today and not just when things go our way but always.

Happy Thanksgiving, I am thankful for you!

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