PB & J Day is all you this week. As you know the big celebration is quickly approaching and a play date is just not in the cards. Please spend some time cuddling, playing and laughing with your little ones. Email me any photos and I will put them on the blog.
Trexen is down right giddy for his party. Every time we pull into the garage he gets a huge grin, points to the heap of Styrofoam farm animals and in a cute little voice asks, "mommy what those?" Every time I answer, "those are farm animals for your party" and he squeals with excitement! People it is going to be a celebration, an event to remember.
Now for all of you mamas cursing my name right now wondering how I do it all...I don't. There is not a clean sock to be had in this house, our fridge contains an overly squishy tomato, brown lettuce and milk, my closet looks like it exploded and we may just be eating hodge podge for like the 4th night in a row. Life is about balance yes but sometimes the scales tip and that is ok! I do what I can, prioritize my weeks, days, minutes and enjoy these moments. I know Monday will come all too quickly, the celebration only a memory and our scale will slowly balance out but mamas this week we are doing it big!!! Have a fabulous rest of your week, be inspired and live life to the fullest.
You're an amazing mommy! I want to be like you!