Tuesday, September 14, 2010

An Apple a Day...

Crisp cool air, changing leaves and caramel apples, all the joys of fall! My friend and her family own an amazing apple orchard filled with yummy treats and fabulous activities for the kids. This Friday PB & J Day will be at the orchard! As long as the weatherman is correct (doesn't happen often but let's hope) we will meet at the orchard around 10:30. There is a lovely orchard walk, goats, chickens, duck races, play equipment, tire playground and picnic tables so pack a lunch!
Today is also giveaway day!!! Comment on this post telling me your favorite kind of apple or what you like to make with apples. The winner, chosen at random, will get 2 caramel apples this Friday at the orchard!!!
Winner will be chosen tomorrow night:)


  1. Yum! I am so excited for FRIDAY! My favorite kind of apples are Golden Delicious and Gala! & I love to make Apple Crisp! Have a great day!

  2. SO hoping Nathan is up to coming on Friday after his eye surgery tomorrow! I've got to admit, I like any apples as long as they aren't cooked and mushy! Caramel apples are definitely awesome!! :)

  3. Can I just say that fall has to be my favorite time of year simply b/c I love the plethora of apples to choose from at the grocery store! I definitely enjoy a candy delicious Pink Lady,... seriously it's like eating candy! I also enjoy a good old Macintosh apple; I usually use them in my apple pies! So excited for Friday!

  4. My favorite thing about apples is making apple crisp! I have to admit I make a pretty good apple crisp! I love putting a scoop of vanilla ice cream on a warm piece, yum, yum, yum!!
